Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just Plain Weird

So I'm reading a magazine yesterday, an old US Weekly, (riveting, I know) and I come across a small story that literally left me numb for a moment. It was one of those little blurbs in the news-y section of the mag where they announce things like pregnancies and births. It said simply,

"Patrick McDermott, former boyfriend of Olivia Newton John who disappeared in 2005 has been found alive and living in Mexico after faking his own death."

Now believe me, I have more pressing things that send me into a tizzy in my life, but this one had me fascinated. I remember watching a Dateline about his whole disappearance and they even interviewed Olivia for the broadcast. She said she was devastated by his "death". She spoke about how much she loved him and how they were connected, and she later took the news crew out to her backyard where she had erected a large rock garden in his honor. She said it brought her peace to go there and pray for him and talk to him and it helped her through her grief.

And the dude faked the whole thing.

So I gotta ask myself, how connected could they have been? The man faked his death to get out of reportedly $30,000.00 debt so his son could recover the $100,000.00 life insurance. Are you kidding me? I'm sure O-New-Jo spent more than $30K on her rock garden. $30K seems like a drop in the bucket for her, so if they were so connected, why didn't he just ask her for the money?

Something seems fishy here, or is it just me?

And why in God's name, did Dateline NBC hire private investigators to find Patrick McDermott? What did they stand to gain, beside a "news scoop"? Was it worth it? How much money and resources were spent to find this elusive man, who obviously did not want to be found, when that effort and money may have been better spent looking for dangerous fugitives or missing children. The whole thing is just plain weird, and now that they have found this guy, he says he does not wish to be "hounded" by the media or investigators.
Yeah, just let him live out the rest of his lie in peace.

Whatever. I'll still be facinated if I see the follow up to this story in print, but it sounds to me like the guy just wants to disappear. After he repay's his debt and answers for the faking his death thing, I think he should be allowed to go back into hiding, or obscurity, or whatever it is they are calling it now.

Grifters tend to like it that way.


wigsf said...

You can't actually dodge debt in death. Your next of kin inherits the debt. (Well, at least that's true in Canada.)

RW said...

Debt comes for us all, even outside of Canada. But it does sound fishy. First of all I can think of a lot worse things to be than married to ONJ. You could be married to Lindsay Lohan. But really. There's a kind of sideways WTF about this story, isn't there?

Heff said...

I remember that episode of Dateline, and I felt like the guy was still alive, but that's ALOT of trouble to go to ! Somethin' ELSE is up !

Jim said...

Hmmm, that is odd.

She's forever etched in my mind in that skin-tight outfit at the carnival in "Grease" saying . . .

"Tell me about it . . . stud."

Mmmmmmm. I'm such a middle-aged man ;-)


Scott Oglesby said...

Holy shit, I miss everything living over here.

I agree though completely Candy, all is not as it seems...

Dr Zibbs said...

They found him? That's news to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there's a reality show already in the works. "How to 'kill' Yourself and Get Away with It"

But on another note, that pix of Olivia Newtron Bomb and Dead Man Walking - at first glance I thought it was a pix of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson circa '80s. Ha!

Chris said...

You'd think that if someone was going to go through the trouble of hunting down a dead guy, they'd go looking for John Lennon.

Just saying.

sybil law said...

It really is a weird assed story.
Maybe she's an impossible shrew to live with. Maybe he's just a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't very much money then what? Forget the celebrity angle and ask why would anyone find it better to be thought of as dead? Maybe it was just the greatest passive-aggressive gesture ever? I vant to be alone...