Showing posts with label My Tommy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Tommy. Show all posts
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Dipping My Feet Into The Pool
So last month My Guy invited me to join his NFL football pool. I was a little nervous about joining a football pool with 20 guys, so I recruited my BFF to join also. I played Fantasy Football once before and made it all the way to the playoffs, but this is different. This time I need to follow the entire GAME and not just my beloved New England Patriots, but all of the games in the league. I need to watch the spread and ponder and learn about lots of other teams. Shouldn't be too hard for someone who has worked in sports journalism not that long ago, right? I still follow and understand and read about and root for all sports-mostly my hometown teams-but sounds like a piece of cake right? Wrong.
Week 1 started and I was a nervous Nelly-searching the web for anything that would help me with the prospects for the first game of the season. After reading ESPN and finding several football pick sites, I took all that information and I sat down to make my picks. The Pats were opening the season on Thurs Night Football against the Steelers. The spread was Pats -7. Of course I took it as my top point pick, with all the "deflatgate" bullshit, I figured My Tommy was gunning for blood. I then went on to pick 4 other teams, mindful of the line and submitted my picks.
I was right about My Tommy, but Vegas has a way of snaring away all your glory. The Pats won, but only by 7, which means I scored a "push" and took only half of my intended points. Better than a loss, I figure, and not bad for a pool rookie. I ended up going 2 wins, 2 losses, 1 tie. Respectable enough and good enough to keep me in 13th place.
This Sunday that same anxiety overcame me as I knew my picks had to be in before the first kickoff. My cherished Sunday morning ritual of leisurely reading the paper and then watching CBS Sunday Morning was fast replaced by nervous energy spent pouring over the sports pages and the web. 2 hours later, I came up for air and was ready to make my picks. I made one fatal error though....
I was going to take Cleveland and take points for my biggest points pick-heck-two Heisman winners dueling it out on the field and even though it is the Browns, I figured this Manziel's last chance to prove himself. Just before I made the pick, I asked My Guy what he thought about the Cleveland game...
He warned me about following the NFL Pick sites-he showed me ESPN and USA Today and explained about home teams and point spreads. He gave me this valuable piece of advice-that even the experts get it wrong some time. "There are no locks," he said, which now left me even more confused. I asked him who his 5 star pick was and he replied with this, "New Orleans is playing the worst team in the league at home. They are giving 9 points, but I'm thinking it's a safe bet." Now, My Guy went 5-0 in his first week, so he added, "You should bet against me. I'm probably not going to go 5-0 again"
Don't ask me why, but I started thinking; Brees at home-Tampa on the road-Tampa sucks, and 9 points is a LOT-2 score spread-at home-I'm doing it!!! Guess what? It was the only game I lost on Sunday and had I taken Cleveland I would have gone 5-0.....
Lesson learned, but I have to tell you that playing in this pool has made football on Sunday's so much more fun! I know that you can't be a hero every week, but I'm having a ball trying.
Sooo...anyone have any picks for THIS Sunday? I'm all ears.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
WTF Wednesday
WTF NFL? ...Can we all please move. the. F. ON?? This whole Deflategate thing has been the most drawn out, over publicized and over analyzed thing EVER. Not sure why the NFL decided it wants to put the screws to Brady and dig it's heels in on this one. Whether he lied or's freaking air pressure in a's not like he beat his wife or anything.
WTF Apple Watch?...What do you mean you don't work autonomously without the iPhone present? Really? Like you can't do every single thing the iPhone can by yourself? Completely free of one's cellular device? What if I want to run on the treadmill without my phone and listen to my music? What if I want to check an email or text while "unplugging" from my cell? What a rip off.
WTF Windows 10?...What ever happened to 9? I got lost somewhere between 8 and 9.
WTF Summer Cold?....My Guy and I have a horrid summer cold. Mine is all in my head. Sinus pressure, congestion, runny nose, watery eyes. I have been down for 3 days too!! My guy has it all in his chest. A summer cold is the worst.
WTF Ben Affleck?....Cheated? Seriously? And with the nanny? Ok, everybody knows that Ben is my homeboy and all, being from Boston, but cheating with the nanny is a little too sinister for me. Good for Ben he's adamantly denying it-even threatening legal action.
WTF Weather?....I can't really complain about super hot and humid weather, can I? I'd much rather be complaining about this weather than the polar opposite. So I'm just going to take this hot, sticky and unusually uncomfortable hot weather and shut the F up. Ok?
Oh yeah, and today is National Lipstick Day! So go on over to that sidebar over to the right and click on the link to my store...treat yourself to a celebratory lipstick!
Headline News,
I Love My Tommy,
My Crap,
My Tommy,
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Judgement Day
The report has been released...some 14 weeks after the alleged infraction..and what have we learned?
According to the just released Wells report, we now know it's, "more probable than not" that New England Patriots personnel have been implicated in the intentional defalating of the Patriots game day footballs in the 2014/2015 AFC Championship game. And the kicker? According to Wells,
"It's more probable than not that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities."
Text messages between two Patriots employees; a locker room attendant and an equipment assistant, that were illegally obtained in a cooperative investigation with the Patriots and the NFL, are the proverbial smoking gun? But make no mistake, nothing is smoking here; the guys gave the NFL their text messages. They cooperated. Period.
Does it sound like they deflated balls? According to the text messages released by the Wells report, we are led to believe that they deflated balls, but it's all hearsay according to the law. Who knows whom or what they are specifically referring to in those messages. It's implied otherwise but nothing conclusive.
Generally aware.
The NFL and Wells have had this information since BEFORE the Super Bowl which was played on Feb 1 of this year and it took them 13 weeks to decipher a whole lot of nothing else? It's bulls*it and a great big waste of time.
And I don't care.
I'm over it. It does nothing but add fuel to the haters fire and as the old saying goes, "haters gonna hate." Do I personally think the balls were deflated to Brady's liking. It's highly probable. But I also think that lots of quarterbacks do it across the league and I don't think it was ever an issue before Tom Brady uttered the famous words in a post game press conference referring to Baltimore Ravens Head Coach, John Harbaugh, "maybe those guys need to study the rule book and figure it out." I think that's where this all began and I think a few guys conspired to get Tommy in trouble for something that is a common, well known in the NFL.
In fact, I don't think the NFL actually had a protocol for this specific issue because I don't think it was ever an issue until Tommy allegedly made Harbaugh look like a boob in front of the world. That's just my theory. Either way- it doesn't change my view of the greatest quarterback of all time nor the greatest team. In fact, I'd like to think of it as what I heard was this morning from GMA's Legal Analyst Dan Abrams. He said this report is all hearsay and circumstantial and that the evidence would never stand up in court. It's not a criminal case, but if it was he said, "Fixing a game would equate to a Murder in the 1st charge. Spy Gate could be seen as manslaughter, but this?" Abrams said, "This is assault and battery at best."
Monday, March 9, 2015
Monday Minutia
- Saw a post on FB that cracked me right up. It said, "If Mondays were shoes, they'd be Crocs"
- And on that note, the funniest thing I ever saw on Twitter was a tweet from a dude who said, "Whoever just left me a voice mail, could you send me a text and let me know if I should listen to it?"
- So all the weather people here are foaming at the mouth over the fact that we need 2" more of snow to break the record for the snowiest winter ever. I'm thinking, really? Tell that to the thousands of us here dealing with ice dam damage and seasonal depression..
- I'm almost finished with the 3rd season of "Breaking Bad". Why did I never watch this show when everyone was telling me I had to? I'm now obsessed! This is the greatest thing on television! I love the whole dynamic between Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston. And Aaron Paul's, " Yo, where's my money?...Bitch!" Interesting to note: "Breaking Bad" is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the Highest Rated TV Series.
- The Boston Herald reported that My Tommy is thinking that after he retires from football, he may go the Hollywood way, via an acting career. I say whatever My Tommy is selling...I'm buying.
Sheer perfection...I'd pay to watch him recite the alphabet.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Wikid PISSAH!!!
I'm beside myself...What. A. Game!
Probably the most exciting thing I have ever seen...and I'm still not over it.
This win was especially exciting and sweet! So while I let this marinate for a while, I invite you to watch this hilarious Jimmy Kimmel beauty by a couple of characters from my home town!
Friday, January 30, 2015
I'm all business. It's time to squash all those naysayers, haters and trash talkers and go out there and play the game. Win or loose-we have waited 7 years for this and our time has come. I stand behind My Team. No matter what the NFL finds-and I believe they won't find anything because there is nothing to find-I stand behind this team. My team and My Tommy. We are ready! We are New England. Win or loose, I still wear the flying Elvis proudly.
In honor of my hometown team I re-post this-because no matter where I am, I will always be a Boston girl:
I Love Tommy,
My Tommy,
Super Bowl,
Tom Brady,
Tommy's Boys
Friday, January 23, 2015
A Press Conference With Candy
Friday, January 23, 2015, 11:00AM EST
*With the hordes of media surrounding the bright pink podium at The Daily Dandy headquarters, Candy steps up to the podium clutching a sheet of paper. The sound of camera shutter clicks and reporters shuffling for a better view can be heard throughout the room as Candy prepares herself to address the media.*
" I'd like to read a prepared statement addressing 'Deflategate' and then I will take questions from the assembled media."
"As a ride or die New England Patriots fan and an even bigger Tom Brady fan I feel the need to address the allegations against My Tommy and my home town team. I first need to state that my silence on this issue on Candy's Daily Dandy in the previous 5 days should in no way be construed as "disappointment, anger or distress" by me, but simply a circumstantial issue. While I was in NYC moving my daughter into her new apartment over the past week, I had been paying close attention to the daily developments and the reports."
"What I do know is that the NFL's silence on this issue has not clarified any of the facts on 'Deflategate', so we are all left with the Herculean task of Monday morning quarterbacking this controversy. While ESPN has cited a 'report' that 11 of the 12 game balls for the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship game were found to be 2 psi's under what the rules state they should be inflated to-the NFL has yet to confirm this fact. We also now know that there is an NFL game official assigned to inspect and deem appropriate for play, those 12 balls."
"Media speculation has been such that there may have been some foul play in regards to Tommy's balls. Tommy's balls foul? I have to defer that answer to the professionals in charge of balls. It's the ball official that deemed Tommy's balls appropriate for play and therein lies the crux of the investigation. The question begs to be asked, were the balls presented to the official by The New England Patriots for play in the AFC Championship game on Sunday, January 18th, 2 hours before kickoff within legal league specifications? If the answer is yes, then the next question that needs to answered is what happened to Tommy's balls between then and the beginning of the third quarter."
"Conspiracy theories about what happened to the balls are abound and hard earned reputations are being called into question. Until I, like countless others, have all the facts and answers concerning the deflated balls, I am unable to decisively form any opinion regarding Tommy's balls or Deflategate. I will now take questions from the media."
Q:"Candy, will this controversy alter your personal opinion of 'Your Tommy' or his legacy in any way?"
"What I know about My Tommy is that he is a guy who works extra hard day in and day out to maintain his elite status as an NFL quarterback. His maniacal work ethic has been well documented and I think his exemplary record stands as testament to the kind of success he has had throughout his career. It's highly unlikely that I will abandon that position after this controversy has been resolved."
Q:"So are you saying that you don't think Tom Brady is a cheater?"
"I don't think My Tommy cheated or has to cheat to be Tom Brady. I think people who excel at sports are always subject to naysayers or haters who love it when the mighty fall. It's part of his job as a professional athlete, but it's how people like Tom handle adversity that really sets them apart. Tom Brady didn't get to be Tom Brady by cheating. Tom Brady works hard and loves and respects this game."
Q:"If the NFL confirms that that this was cheating, what will you say then?"
"I hope that none of us ever have to address that issue. What I think we may have to address is the issue of what's commonplace in the NFL as far as the rules are regarded and what isn't. For example, if the national speed limit is 55 and your are caught driving 57, should you loose your license forever? Or should you be fined and given a ticket or even let go with a warning for a minor infraction? Rules of the road are rules of the road but what's an appropriate response for a breech?
Q: "Do you think the Patriots are being unfairly targeted because of their history with scandal?"
"Yes, but I also think the rules are the rules and no one is above them."
"Thank you for coming today."
I Love Tommy,
My Tommy,
New England Patriots,
Super Bowl,
Tommy's Boys
Monday, January 12, 2015
Hometown Townie
If you grew up in these parts, like I did, there is one thing we know to be true, yet it never ceases to amaze me. We, Bostonians, are true "townies". What I mean by "townie" is that deep down inside we are true to the place we grew up, the culture and the local traditions. And in this town it's all about sports.
Rooting for the hometown team is so much more than a past time around here-it's a passion but what really amazes me is that it knows no boundaries nor age bracket. Take for example our beloved New England Patriots. Saturday was the first game for the home town team in the NFL playoffs which was at home at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA. The streets, shops, malls and restaurants everywhere were a sea of red white and blue Pats logos. Everybody was talking about it, preparing for it and anxiously waiting for it, like a little kid on Christmas Eve. The Patriots playoff game was a huge event for everyone in New England.
The funny thing is people who never follow football instantly become armchair experts, glued to a televised game that they never would have watched previously. Brady, Edelman, Amendola and Gronkowski become like family and even old ladies can tell you that My Tommy threw for over 300 yards, AGAIN, in Saturday's game. The short pass from Brady to Edelman who launched a 51 yard bomb to Amendola to tie the game? A complete game changer and people are still talking about that one in the grocery store checkout line and at the post office. It just never gets old. Even little kids are talking about the legalities of the Patriots ineligible plays. No one in this town is safe from Patriots fever.
And I guess that's the way it should be. Shouldn't it? Something special uniting people of all kinds and bringing them together, if only for a short time? Whatever the reason may be; the fever, the passion for a game that is uniquely American and a team that is distinctly ours, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I doubt I could ignore it.
It's a way of life for us townies.
All of us.
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Great See Saw Debate
As a football fan and HUGE My Tommy fan, I look at it this way; every win this year is a bonus, I have no expectations on the season and if they win it all, you can color me shocked and thrilled. But if they don't, I'm ok with that because I never expected what I have been seeing lately from the New England Patriots. Can you believe I just said that? This is the New England Patriots we're talking about here- the team that the term DYNASTY used to be attached to, but with its last two Super Bowl appearances and losses....that title isn't synonymous with the team any longer. Still dominant, still relevant and they sure do take us on one hell of a ride every season.
Which brings me back to Brady vs Manning.
Today it's My Tommy.
Who knows what tomorrow brings? I do know that I love watching it, butterflies in my belly, nerves and nail biting action and all, it's what every sports fan lives for.
On the see saw of the NFL playground, Brady on one side Manning on the other it never gets old and the story re-writes itself all the time. The other question that always comes with the "who is better Brady or Manning" debate is "who would you take Brady or Manning? "
Do I even need to go there?. Let there be no question where my heart and my head is.
I Love Tommy,
My Tommy,
New England Patriots,
Pats Magic,
Tom Brady,
Tommy's Boys
Thursday, October 23, 2014
I Can't Believe I'm Saying This
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to say it anyway...
I'm siding with Gisele today. I know..if you read this blog regularly then you know that Gisele Bundchen is not my favorite person for many reasons. The number one reason: she is married to my boyfriend, My Tommy. Beside the fact that she seemingly has "it"all; good looks, big career, tons of money, and the man of my dreams, Gisele has made some missteps when it has come to press lately. She is more often than not lambasted in the press for comments made about everything.
Maybe it's jealousy. I know I don't like her. 90% of the way I feel is honest to goodness jealousy. Hell, shes got it all-or so it seems. I have other reasons My Tommy hasn't won a Super Bowl since he's been with her. In fact, he's lost 2 Super Bowls since he's been with her. But that's a blog for another day. A day when I'm back to not agreeing with her. Today is different.
Her recent hub bub? Gisele has drawn controversy recently over comments made in The Sunday Times Style Magazine. Her crime this time? Comparing motherhood to the instructions given on a plane regarding oxygen masks in the event of an emergency. The haters couldn't wait to pounce on her. I could hardly wait to see what she had said now..
She said, ""It's very important to nourish yourself, take care of yourself," Bundchen told The Sunday Times Style magazine. "You know how they say on the plane that you have to put the oxygen mask on first and then put it on your child? So, I think it is the same, as a mum, to take care of myself."
Ok, I thought. Is that it?
She then said, ". 'You can feel a bit guilty - you feel guilty if you do and if you don't. But if I put my oxygen mask on first, if I'm feeling fulfilled and present and good about myself, then I'm going to be a much more patient, loving, understanding mother and wife. You have to fill your glass so that everyone can drink from it. That's how I feel.'
And here's where it gets sticky...I agree with her. I can relate to what she's saying because what she's saying is important. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of your family. I get it Gi, I really do and I agree. Go figure.
There's an old saying that says, "If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy". And it is true.
I can't believe I'm saying this but let's lay off Gisele. She's right. It's important to take care of yourself so that you can be the best mother and wife for your family. That may mean many things to many people, but to her it means being a mother is a most important job.
And I have to agree with her, as much as it pains me to say it.
I Love Tommy,
I Was Just Thinking,
My Opinion,
My Tommy,
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Bright Eyed And Bushy Tailed
Ahhh, fresh off my "mini-cation" and I feel great! Nothing like a few days of R&R, good friends, shopping, laughing and eating to your heart's content! I tell ya, I could get used to this empty nest thing!
A few observations on the weekend:
A few observations on the weekend:
- I love my blogger buddies! MarkD60 even though we have never met, I'm pleasantly surprised that you know me so well and that's awesome! You win the prize on where I went!
- Nothing like a Florida sunset, the open ocean, a couple of drinks and the love of some great friends. The foods and drinks taste better when you are with people you love, don't you agree? The gorgeous backdrop doesn't hurt either.
- My Tommy! YES! My Tommy silenced the critics and everyone else who wanted to spew poison and spread crap about my boy and his commitment to his team. OK, so we won a big one. I'm not a romantic fool. I know that the team's problems are a lot bigger than anyone really knows, but I'm also not one to question it. For now, I'll happily take the momentum and move forward to Buffalo. You go Tommy!!
- Funny, on Sunday afternoon, when we were sitting out at the beautiful bar on the beach looking at the sunset having drinks, we were chatting with the fun people sitting next to us. They were from Cincinnati and they were talking serious trash about how they were going to kill us in Sunday night's game. Believe it or not we took it! We bowed our heads and agreed that this may not be the Pats year and that there were serious issues with the team, with Brady-hes not happy, blah, blah, blah. We quietly and uncharacteristically agreed with the trash talk.......I couldn't help but think of them halfway through the first quarter of the game.
- It always takes my dogs a good hour to re acclimate to us coming home. I read once that it causes stress to the "pack" when you separate dogs that live together. They must have been stressed this weekend, because they really take their time about getting right back into the family routine when we get home. It's like they are pissed at us or something.
- Happy are those who come home to rest their heads. As fun as it is to get away for a bit, it's always good to come home. That goes for here too bloggers! I'm happy to be back!
Feeling Good,
Good Eats,
I Love Tommy,
My Friends,
My Stuff,
My Tommy,
New England Patriots,
Friday, January 17, 2014
The Super Bowl
I'm soooooo nervous....
But in My Tommy we trust.
Heck, after all the devastating injuries the Patriots have suffered this season, I figure this game is a bonus. But there is something different about this time. So much riding on who wins...Not only does the winner go to the BIG Kahuna, The Super Bowl, but the winner here preserves a legacy. A quarterback legacy.
It's Tommy vs. Peyton and that has been the focus of Sunday's game in Denver. Oh, we've been here lots of times before, but this time it's far more serious. This time the circumstances are different. Both of them are in the December of their careers. Each one has a ton to prove, both to themselves and to the world. Can Peyton win when it counts? Statistics are not on his side Can Tommy lead his depleted team to his 6th, record breaking, Super Bowl? Stats are on Tommy's side-but lately he's not been the closer we have become accustomed to. This time Peyton has home field advantage and a whole new team with a loaded-league leading offense.
What does Tommy have? He's got it all, and he knows how to use it. This guy is one you can never count out. Never. Because when you do, that's when Tommy will make you pay. But is this the team to do it with? With this win, he will go back into the category he belongs in, the "possible greatest to ever play the game" category and I think he deserves it. And that's only with the win on Sunday.
But in My Tommy we trust.
It's just everybody else I worry about.
AFC Championship,
Big Game,
I Love Tommy,
My Tommy,
New England Patriots,
Super Bowl,
Tom Brady,
Tommy's Boys
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Giblets...
Ok, so I'm a Partiots season ticket holder and my family has been for at least 10 years. This means I am a big fan with a lot of great football watched by my two eyes.
Every season there is one game that is just soooo cooold that it makes you wonder why we pay premium prices to sit and freeze in the figid temps. Take last night's game:
It was a legendary set up; Brady vs Manning in the game of the year played in Foxboro in sub par temps with the frigid wind chill. I can't even tell you how cold it was because it doesn't really matter. I have been to and survived frigid games before. The Snow Bowl? Yeah, I was there and I lived to tell about it. But last night? I don't ever remember a cold like last night. It wasn't so much the cold as it was the wind. It was the gustiest, windiest, most freezingly biting cold wind I have ever experienced. And I was wearing fur!! It was insane.
Then there was the game.
Oh boy! I was ready to leave after the first three possessions of the ball. No wonder they fumbled three times in a row! It was so cold I'm not sure how they played in those conditions, but play they did. Going into half time at 24-0, I had enough. I could watch these guys loose big from the warmth and comfort of my own home, why should I torture myself? Then Gronk showed up and suddenly the momentum shifted. Suddenly it didn't seem so cold and the drink in my hand served to warm my soul. I still was disgusted, but when the score was 24-14 with more than enough time left, it was as if the Miami sun had shined it's warmth on every living, breathing Patriots fan in attendance.
Suddenly we were hugging and high-fiving and it wasn't because we needed the body heat of the person standing next to you. It was a new game entirely and the ticket money turned into money well spent. Then they tied the game and every fan practically disrobed because the adrenaline served to warm and wrap everyone up like a blanket. If you don't know what happened next, it was the stuff of legends.
Finally tucked into my bed at 2am, I was blanketed in victory and the cockles of my heart burned like a the hearth in a cozy Inn. And the cold?
What cold? Was it cold last night?
I Love Tommy,
I'm a Fan,
My Tommy,
New England Patriots,
The Winner,
Tom Brady,
Tommy's Boys
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
And So It Begins...
If you ask me, I would have to say that this is the most wonderful time of the year. No doubt, it's definitely the best time of the year to be a Boston sports fan. The city is abuzz with all our teams, but none more than our beloved Red Sox. Forever the Fenway Faithful, young and old in this city proudly wear their Red Sox gear as they go through daily life these days. Conversations in the supermarket checkout lines about Grand Slams and walk off home runs take place between the most unlikely and everyone knows what a ground rule double looks like. The biggest question asked is did you fall asleep or did you stay awake to see them win?Baseball in October doesn't get any better when our boys are playing and you can feel the fever the moment you step foot anywhere in this city.
Then there's My Tommy and the Patriots. Take for example Sunday night on my Jet Blue flight home to Boston. Our 5pm departure set up the perfect viewing for the 4pm game against New Orleans. Alone in my headphones, I was quietly wincing and cheering throughout the game and even switching channels when it got too frustrating to watch. But everywhere around me had the game on too; every other seat or even every seat was watching the events play out on their TV's and I was never more than a glance away from the action. It's how I figured out that the Pats got the ball back with a minute to play, one touchdown away from winning the game. And one should never count My Tommy out in that situation.
We were squirming, and praying and then the amazing pass into the end zone to win the game happened and the ENTIRE PLANE erupted in cheers. It caught me off guard because I had been so engrossed in my own headphone and monitor that I had forgotten that a few hundred other people were watching it too. There we were together, cheering our team's exciting victory, united if only for a moment hundreds of miles up in the sky above the clouds.
And that's what it feels like.
The camaraderie and connection we feel to these few players who we can call our own make us proud to wear the colors. Together we can feel good about the events of the game and if only for a moment we are one. United in sport and our love of the game and united in the place we call home.
And so it begins....and so far, it's been one hell of a ride!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Fan Friday
Hey bloggers! It was a tough one last night, but my boys squeaked out a win! I'm not holding out much hope for the boys in blue and silver this year this year, unless we get Gronk back and he's better than ever. Looks like My Tommy doesn't have as many targets this season.
At The Candy Bar we were ready and raring to go yesterday, and yes that is me. That most excellent makeup was created by one of my talented staff makeup artists.
Happy weekend bloggers! May all your teams squeak out a win!!!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tommy And Timmy
Tim Tebow? Really?
I'm not quite sure I get this one but who am I to question Bill. "In Belichick, We Trust" has long been the mantra around here, so I'm going to trust. So let's break this down for a second here:
- We know the Tebow signing is not about the QB position. Or at least we think it's not about the QB position. If Tebow is going to ride the bench...again...I would say that would be a waste of money, talent and Tebow's career, and that would be a shame. I swear Mr. Belichick is smarter than that. Somebody knows something and I'm betting Bill and My Tommy have had more than a few conversations about how little Timmy can help the Pats figure out how to break the course of events over the past few years.
- Pats offensive coordinator, Josh McDaniels, drafted Tebow back when he was with the Broncos and he believes in Tim and his abilities. I can't think of a better reason tho give this marquee boy, who has done a whole lot of nothing in his illustrious career a chance.
- Can Tebow be effective catching short passes and red zone rushing? Possibly. There are a plethora of places Tebow could be effective playing: tight end, H-Back and it's possible Tebow could take a snap here and there to make things more mobile and far more interesting.
One thing's for sure: we will all play the guessing game till Tebow takes the field in his flying Elvis uniform come August. This is his last chance and he's got to know it. There's no better place for Tim to end up than with a future Hall of Fame coach and future Hall of Fame quarterback. Truth is nobody else wants him.
Whatever happens, Bill Belichick will enjoy making liars out of all his detractors.
Tim Tebow's detractors, that is.
I Love Tommy,
My Tommy,
New England Patriots,
Tim Tebow,
Tom Brady,
Tommy's Boys
Monday, April 29, 2013
I Love That Dirty Water
Yeah.....This is my 2013 X-Mas card.
"Peace and blessings,
Love, Candy and Tommy."
It turned out to be a "wikid pissa" Boston weekend, but I didn't intend it to be:
- Celts playoff game Friday night in the sky box. The Celts looked AWFUL, and I'm telling you they were awful from the opening tip off. We knew early on it wasn't going to be a great night for the Boston ballers. Up in Luxury Suite land, the walls are lined with a mini museum with all kinds of Boston Sports memorabilia. While I was walking around I spotted My Tommy all alone and I seized the moment for a photo op. *sigh* I love that photo. It made the Friday night loss to the Knicks hurt a lot less.
- Sox game on Sunday in My Guy's new season tickets. LOVED the new tickets and LOVED the game. Sox won and ended up sweeping Houston and are sporting the best record in baseball right now.
- Never one to miss out on a fabulous retail opportunity, I bought awesome Celts gear on Friday night and a killer Pats t-shirt and Red Sox hat on Sunday. I bought them from the BEST BRAND FOR TEAM GEAR ever. Super cute and sexy, and the quality is amazing.
- Then last night, I attended a local fund raiser for Boston's One Fund. The party, held at a local restaurant called Tempo, did an amazing job! The staff, the food, the silent auction items, the raffles and the entire evening was so well done. They had a band playing and passed hors d'oeuvre's and the guests were feeling festive. I have no idea how well they did, but I know they raised a lot. It goes to the injured people in the marathon bombings to help with medical costs and funding. Right now it's a cause we can all get behind.
- The icing on the cake was a win by the Celts and another day to live in the NBA playoffs. I think I love all of my Boston teams equally, but I'm rooting passionately for the Celts right now. Saying for sure which team I like better would be like choosing a favorite child which would never happen and just not realistic. But one thing is for sure:
Boston Bruins,
I Love Tommy,
My Crap,
My Teams,
My Tommy,
Red Sox,
The Boston Celtics,
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Oh HELL No...
This can't be good.
Seriously, is that Leo DeCaprio wearing a HEADBAND? Like a chick? No wonder he's still single. What the hell is going on in this world? There is no way that that is OK, and it will never be.
Nick Jonas? I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Seriously, this is just never sexy. Not even on the Gods. You wouldn't catch Zeus dead wearing a girlly headband. A laurel of some kind of greens, but never a headband. He's Zeus for Christ's sake.
And Becks? Dude, for that shot alone, we may have to revoke your "sexiest man alive" card. Geesh. That's a defilement of that gorgeous creature and worthy of a penalty kick to the nuts. Sorry Becks. Not SEXY.
But the biggest tragedy of all....
The cruelest of cruel jokes...
The horror that keeps me awake some nights is this......
Dare I say it?
Oh Tommy., Tell me it isn't so.
Battle Of The Sexes,
Headbands On Men Are Wrong,
I Love Tommy,
My Tommy,
NOT Sexy,
Monday, January 21, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Athletes, Football, The AFC and Faith
On this day of football,
we look upon ourselves,
Think of those whom we love,
and know by which we play for.
God grant us victory,
As we come to battle...
We fight to win.
I watched the Oprah Interview with Lance Armstrong late into the night last night and I came away with an uneasy feeling. The man appeared uncomfortable, smug at times, remorseful at times, incredulous and groveling. I'm not sure what to think. I do know firsthand, that liars believe their own lies. The lies become truths to them and that's how they get away with it. Not for long because Karma is a fierce mistress and she will make you pay.
I did find him to be quite physically appealing, and I'm not talking about attraction or sexual desire (I will save all of that for the man pictured above) I'm talking about his physicality. Lance is the epitome of an athletic specimen, chemically enhanced or not and I couldn't help but be distracted by his chiseled facial structure, and his defined cheekbones. (I just want to highlight and contour that face)
The point is, it's easy to see how he used his physicality and his cunning to get those around him to drink the Lance Kool-Aid. And they did, and now that the jig is up, they are all coming clean. Lance had that invincible "athlete" mentality that Tiger Woods and Roger Clemens so famously choked on too. He then got greedy and says that none of this would have happened if he had not decided on the come back. An intriguing interview at best and the greatest infomercial ever invented for the OWN Network.
Which brings me to football.
I'm not feeling any swagger, making any predictions or talking any trash. I'm grateful to the man above, (My Tommy) for the luxury of being able to keep watching Patriots football in mid January. I have faith in my team and I have enjoyed every second of this pro football in the NFL at Foxboro's Gillette Stadium ride. I pray that Tommy never has to sit down with Oprah for anything other than to discuss his Hall of Fame NFL career.
Let's just take it one game at a time. Good Luck. Go Pats!
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