Showing posts with label Mariah Carey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mariah Carey. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2010

If I Had A Nickel For Every Time....Mimi And Me

I'm not really one to publish photos of myself on this blog. I think I may have done it once or twice, when I had you all help me decide which pictures to give my mom as a birthday gift and then they were pictures of me and my family. Then I did it once in the wee beginnings of The Daily Dandy, and I was making a face. The only picture of me the blog world has seen on a consistent basis has been my profile picture, which is also my avatar. Even that photo is a photo I took of a photo with my camera so it is no the best quality. BUT somehow, by reading my words and looking at my blurry picture, you all get your own idea about what I look like. Right??

Well, if I had a nickel.....the world seems to think I look like her.

Mimi? Diva? Are you kidding me???

Yet, I get this ALL. THE. TIME.

It's certainly not who I would choose to look like, but at most I get to play the celebrity look alike game with some conviction and I have to admit, that I have seen videos and photos of her that have actually given me the "OMG she looks like me" creeps.
So I'm going to go against my own moratorium on pictures of myself and post Mimi and I side by side and let's get a definitive answer from the bloggersphere and put an end to this crap once and for all.

Look alikes?