My name is Disposable Income Sucker Sally...."Hi, Sally."
Today the Holy Grail of disposable income gadgets arrives and to me it's like the second coming of our Lord. Well not really, but you get the point. I'm kind of excited. The funny thing here is, it's not even MINE. I bought it for My Guy for his birthday. His birthday was in February and because he is supremely awesome and totally makes sure my birthday is observed as the National Holiday that it should be, I was stumped for that special gift for him this year.
Then I saw Mr. Jobs with the latest gadget at a press conference and I knew he had to have it. Mind you, three years ago I bought him the iphone, when they first came out, for his birthday and that went back to the store the next day and ended up being a pair of Allen Edmonds shoes instead. Whatever, he's Verizon and I'm AT& T. I get it. He's Mr. PC and I'm Justin Long, but I knew immediately that this would be the perfect gadget for him.
So when his birthday came, we wrapped up some fabulous, Red Sox apparel, his favorite, and some new underwear and sox and then told him the news.
ME: "It comes out in April and it will ship directly to you," I said.
HIM: "I don't want it," he said.
ME: "What? You're crazy. Well too bad because that's what your getting."
HIM: "We already have four laptops and more than enough PC's we don't need it."
ME: (cuz I'm just like this) "Oh well, that's what you are getting so you'll just have to figure it out."
I couldn't pre-order until the end of March, and when I was at the Apple store, replacing my water-logged ipod from the flood, I noticed the sign up for the ipad and felt a pang of guilt. I thought about spending $600 bucks on something he really didn't want. Something I wanted more than he did, and I thought about the million other things I could do or should do with that money, and with the wedding and all, and I sulked away without buying it.
No more than a week later, very quietly, I got an email forward from My Guy that was simply an ad from Apple announcing the arrival of the ipad. Nothing more. It was all I needed. And we have been counting down the days till it's arrival. The last thing I said to him before bed last night was, "It arrives tomorrow."
I'll give you my review in a week or so.
I hope....
You think he'll let me play with it?
Candy, fear not, men always want you to play with it.
I don't get it. I mean "I get it" but I don't get it.
I hope you enjoy it so much, that you change my mind. (Not really possible, it is APPLE after all. It would be like getting you to root for the Yankees.)
Well if he won't let you play with his you can always...
...get one for yourself.
@ Dential Maven
He'll let you play with it... at which point you'll figure out it is just a large iPad touch and you'll then try to justify the expense by downloading loads of new apps for it... :-)
however here is Computer Weekly's review of it... and they should know...
I just don't get the Ipad thing at all.
Just like a woman, tempting man to "bite the Apple".
I am holding out for when they unveil the Star Trek "Tricorder".
Did you see SNL this past weekend? Seth Myers summed it up by saying something along the lines of "Ipad, proving our society has gotten to the point where we will pay for something just to find out what it is". lmao
I'm just going to wait for the iTampon.
I thought about it...then I was informed by my old lady that I never think. So whatever it is your talking about I hope it plays well.
The Dental Maven got to the line before me. The only thing I want to know is….how is it different than an Iphone. Or is it basically an iphone and kindle combined?
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