Glee was strange last night.
In last night's episode, they went all drama on us. I'm not saying it didn't work, I'm just saying it was strange.
In what I will call Drama #1, we get to learn a bit more about Kurt, (Chris Colfer), whose story line gets some major play. We learn that Kurt successfully plots to fix up his dad (Mike O'Malley) with Finn's mom (Romy Rosemont) so that he can become a "family" with his boyhood obsession, Finn (Coey Monteith). Kurt gets a derserved solo, "A House is not a Home", which is a sweet and soft ballad he sings to a visibly uncomfortable Finn. We also find out that while Kurt thinks he wants to merge the two families, he soon realizes that his father and Finn just may have more in common than he and his father, putting Kurt's own relationship with his father in jeopardy. Some of the best dramatic moments of last night come when O'Malley and Colfer are alone discussing that despite their differences, they still love and care for each other. And we believe them.
"Could you leave please? I am a half hour behind on my moisturizing routine and now I'll have to get up early, " was a priceless, gem of a line Kurt delivers to his father after their talk.

In Drama #2, Mercedes (Amber Riley) is told by Sue (Jane Lynch) that in order to stay on the Cheerios she must loose 10 pounds in a week. Mercedes is left to worry and wonder about whether or not it's all worth it. She nearly starves herself, and when Artie (Kevin McHale) and
Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) express concern, Mercedes looses her cool and her vision, as they both begin to resemble junk food. She passes out, to wake up in the nurses office and Quinn (Diana Agron) is there to explain to Mercedes she knows exactly how she is feeling, as she has been there. The two share a nice bonding moment. Riley then delivers the performance of the show, and possibly the year? when she sets McKinley High and Sue Sylvester straight with her mind blowing rendition of "Beautiful". This girl got pipes and she knows how to use em'! I was almost on my feet at the end. Bravo on the message and the song. It doesn't get any better than this.

Drama #3 gives all us Kristen Chenoweth fans a healthy dose of her beautiful voice. Chenoweth returns as April Rhodes, a former schoolmate and paramour of Mr. Schuster (Matthew Morrison), who is owner/operator of a roller palace. What a delicious and prophetic setting, Rinky Dinks Roller Rink, for the alcohol abusing, shifty grifter that is April Rhodes. We also find out that April has a heart. April and Shue sing a duet to "Fire" that leaves me wanting more. Seriously, where has this sexy hunk of man been all my life? And Chenoweth and Morrison exhibit their smokin chemistry when April invites herself to Shue's house for a sleepover. In "One Less Bell to Answer" we feel sorry for both of these adults who find their lives are void of any real love. April end's up "full-time fancy" when her rich, married, boyfriend dies and his widow pays for her silence to the tune of two million $$!! She finds philanthropy and buys the auditorium for the Glee club, which she christens with a wonderful rendition of "Home" complete with an evening gown, Hollywood lighting and the Glee club as back-up. I hope we see more of April/Chenoweth and I would LOVE to see a Idina Menzel/Kristen Chenoweth reunion in the future. It would be so WICKED!!
The men in my household, who have no choice but to watch, dubbed this episode as "weak". I explained to them that a true Gleek does not care what Chenoweth sings, as long as we can listen to her sing and that it takes a great show to dig deep and pull out some emotional depth. I think it worked, but I may need to watch it again to be sure.
And no Lea Michelle solos? At all? This new alliance with the Devil, Jesse St James, is making me sick, as all episode they were like two dogs in heat. I hate them. But I was too mesmerized by the golden pipes of Chenoweth to really notice Michele's absence. I hope Finn bitch slaps St. James back into Vocal Adrenaline obscurity soon. Now that would be some good TV!
All in all, I'd have to say Glee was different last night.
It was about being different last night.
And about the different choices we are sometimes forced to make.
And I liked it.
I don't know anything about Glee. But after yesterday you've got me wanting to go to the islands again...
You mean the other networks continue to broadcast during the Stanley Cup Finals??
No offense to you Candy...but my inmates here at Arkham make me watch reality TV when the meds and electro-shock therapy doesn't work.
I also thought it was wonderful. While I love Lea Michele, it was nice to have a night where they delved into the other characters. Amber Riley and Chris Colfer are both amazing in their own right, so I'm glad they're getting more vocal time!
I agree with you. Best song of the night was Mercedes singing "Beautiful" I want that on my IPod. I love the father/son chemistry between Mike O'Malley and Chris Colfer. That there is good stuff!
RW-I'm thinkg I need to have an email conversation about the island you recommended...
Mave-How silly, I know. I'm cautiously optimistic about my boys. If they make through the next round I will definitely revert right back to my obnoxious Boston Fan ways. It's in the blood.
Heff-you win the prize today for the most perfect comment. :) No wonder I love ya!
Joker- I thought reality TV was theraputic. Thanks for confirming it! Give Glee a chance, all the cool kids are doing it!
Fance-Missed you..nice to see you back. I agree with you completely. I really want to see more Artie. I think he has the best male voice of all.
cfoxes33-My Glee playlists on my ipod are completely updated(as of last week) and my favorite work out companion. I wont stop believing I will be skinny!!!
Glee last night (and to an extent in the Madonna ep) addressed everything I was whinging about before they went on their season break.
I was so happy for my favorites Mercedes & Kurt getting some decent screen time and plotlines to themselves (although Kurt had to share his plot with Finn the gorilla)! And for Mercedes to be allowed to be more than a Sassy Black Friend! She was so good in the vulnerable moment in the nurses office.
Sigh. I love Glee! Maybe next week there will be more Artie/Tina development? Please?
Jesse St. James is the DEVIL??? Well, then I'd like to sell my soul, please.
I like when Glee goes a bit dramatic. One of my favorite episodes was the one where we found out about Sue's sister with Down Syndrome.
I'm glad Kurt and Mercedes got more screen time, but they're actually two of the few who do manage to step outside of the giant Rachel/Finn shadow on a regular basis. The other kids really need to start getting more time. Poor Tina is always in the background. Santana proved that she really has pipes during the "Like a Virgin" performance, so I'd like to hear more from her. And I definitely want more one-liners from Brittany.
But mostly, I just want more Jesse. And Puck has been taking a backseat lately, which I don't like.
Candy - That's MUCH better. I find blogs more interesting when the blog owner actually repsonds.
Surely it's not just me.
I need to do some serious catching up on Glee.
Well the Rosewood (and probably anything at Little Dix Bay) is uber expensive and has a definite but not unreasonable dress code in the dining room. But there are plenty of islands in the BVI and plenty of places to stay. There are even some B&B's. USA$ is the currency but you do need a passport. I like it where you can stay out "past the trees" but still go "into town" once in a while. I love that part of the world, but simply Jamaica is too much, and there's parts of Kingston I wouldn't recommend, he said, remembering that one time when...
Soda-LOVE Artie and I think it's about time he and Tina start getting freaky!! I concur.
Becks-ok. I'll give you that Groff is a hot piece of broadway ass! BUT St. James is the Devil, yes!! You know he's there only to cause mayhem and havoc and to screw with the Glee club in the finals. While I think the "endless love" duet with Rachel was some of the best TV I have seen in a long time, I HATE her with him. Team Finn! What can I say? I'm a sucker for a Quarterback...you know that.
Heff-Thank you for the recommendation. I think you are right and I will be incorporting it more into my blogging. I always check for your comments on your blog...I never want to miss a golden Heff moment.
Joanie-you wont be disappointed. It's creepily addictive.
RW- Cut. It. Out. I'm looking like Pavlov's dog right about now.
Well I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin...
Candace I couldn't even read the whole post much less spend time watching this whatever it is.
I've just gotten into the Glee movement this past week. I rented all the episodes of Season One (I thought), but it turns out it's so popular that they have the Season out before it's even finished! So, I've watched the last three episodes in super crappy slow-mo on my computer, and I'm all caught up. Can. Not. Wait. for more!
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