Monday, September 27, 2010

Marry The Geeks

So if the old saying is true, "Be nice to the geeks in high school because one day they will probably be your boss," would it be WRONG to tell my daughter, "Honey, you can date the jocks while you're still young, but you want to marry the geeks."

Heck, geeks are chic! They even have their own fleet of pimped out, black and white "Geek Squad" Volkswagen's and are the savvy, technological superheroes who make house calls! The super geeks even make serious bank, like the dude who pioneered Facebook. With the dawn of the movie which tells the story of the mega-social networking-vehicle that changed the world, "The Social Network", which opens this Friday, Geek Chic, is certainly in the main stream.

Mark Zuckerberg, the whiz kid at the helm of Facebook, co-founded the billion dollar conglomerate from his Harvard dorm room on February 4, 2004. According to wiki":

"The idea for Facebook came from his days at Phillips Exeter Academy, which, like most colleges and prep schools, had a long-standing tradition of publishing an annual student directory with headshot photos of students, faculty and staff known as the "Facebook".

There are those who would disagree. Many of those, claim that Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook from them. Many who filed law suits and received multi-million dollar settlements. But the one thing they all agree on is the irony that Zuckerberg, who was known to be more than socially handicapped, created the vehicle that revolutionized the way people interact with one another, and the world. And it has made him a ridiculously wealthy man at the young age of 26.

Geek's tend to stick together too. Like the guy who co-created Napster, Sean Parker. Napster is arguably one of the reasons that record companies are no longer rolling in the dough, which arguably signaled a new era of how we buy and share music. After the Fed's shut down Napster, Parker went on to become VP of Facebook. See how geek attracts geek? Which leads me to the point of my post here, which is; geek is chic. I tell my daughter all the time: date the football players but marry the crew guys.

Seriously, and even though she looks like a mini-movie star and acts and sings like one too, she's got the brains and the grades to be a geek with the best of them. I tell her to embrace her inner geek. Who knows? She just could end up piloting her own media empire, all by her geeky, little self.


wigsf said...

As a geek, (I prefer the term nerd, geeks are circus performers to bite the heads off chickens) I've found it hard to meet women because women (and not all women) don't learn this lesson until they reach a certain age.

Heff said...

In theory, Bill Gates "stole" Microsoft, so hey, who should judge this guy ?

Furtheron said...

I think I prefer Nerd too... however as a geek I've never made a fortune - although I have made a good living out of IT for 30 years, but now of course that is biting back - 48? You try getting a job in IT at 48 - no chance.

However as a musician I still think the Napster legacy is that of less and less musicians able to support themselves - there are a million of us out there with downloads etc. etc. In one way it's great, I'm a recording artist with an international following and international airplay to my name. But in reality I am miles from even covering my meagre costs let alone making a living from it

sybil law said...

I pretty much tell my daughter the same thing!

BeckEye said...

Just make sure your daughter understands that real geeks aren't like CW geeks. They're never just a really buff, hot guy wearing glasses and a bad sweater vest.

SkylersDad said...

We nerds need love too, I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

Right now, I bet there are women out there contemplating suicide because they told Bill Gates to go scratch when he asked them out on dates.....

Anonymous said...

Geeks unite! (and wear your spectacles)

Verdant Earl said... the jock, but marry the nerd?

I'm not sure that's the healthiest message. How about just being with the person who makes you happiest?

Scope said...

Date the geeks and then marry the geeks!

Scott Oglesby said...

Nice writing in this one, I enjoyed it a lot!

Did you see that Justin Timberlake is set to play Zuckerberg in an upcoming movie??

The Dental Maven said...

My advice? Hunt for the rare and precious geek-jock. They're out there!

the walking man said...

Geekdom has now become Buddhist. Embrace your inner geekdom. hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahah

oh hell yes!