The thing is, I'm not exactly sure where I lost it. I mean, I had it recently, but it has since gone missing. Damn, I hate it when this happens cuz I need it. My mojo accompanies wherever I go and is usually right there when I need it.
But not lately. Lately it has taken a free pass and it gave me the heave-ho. Can't say that I blame it. I've been a real downer and if you're a mojo I guess you don't want anything keeping you down.
Dude, can't we work it out? Come back and I promise I'll behave. We'll go back to the good old days when it was fun and you were the life of the party. We don't even have to talk about it. No questions asked, just come back. I won't ask why you deserted me now, when I seem to need you most. It's ok, really. Everybody looses their mojo sometimes, I just need to find you quick so we can be in sync again. Life is better when we are in sync.
So if you are out this weekend bloggers and you see my mojo, tell him to come home. You'll know him when you see him. He's the one with all the confidence, having a great time and living large. Tell him I'm sorry and that I'll listen to everything he says. I won't blame you if you invite him to stay with you for a day or so, because my mojo can be a great friend. He just makes you feel so good.
I know he'll come back, it's just a matter of when and whether I can hold out until then. Tell him I'm waiting...
I didn't even know what my problem was till you brought it up.
I lost my Mojo too.
Maybe they ran off together. If you find yours, ask about mine, and I'll do the same.
I'VE got your Mojo.
Does it look like the Taco Bell Chihuahua?
Don't listen to Heff, I picked his pocket because there ain't much there to keep me from swiping your mojo from him. NOW.....I HAVE IT!!! In my front right pocket, just stick your hand down there and get it. *que Heff's prideful comeback*
Um..... Trav, that wasn't HER Mojo you grabbed, LMAO !!!
That explains it. I think I got mine from Dollar General and it was labeled "OJOM".
Hey girl!! I found your Mojo! I saw a listing on Craig's List for 'found lost Mojo'. You better hurry up and get it back before someone puts it up for sale on eBay!
Suuuuuuucks. I hate when that happens. :-(
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