I seem to remember singing it at some drunken Cape Cod happy hour once a long time ago.
Anyway, in the happy little world of McKinnley High, it would seem that our boy Kurt is confused about who he is. Running for Student Body President and trying out for the lead in the school production of West Side Story is creating problems for the school's first openly gay student. But Brittany has no problems with who she the thinks Kurt is and she offers her help with a campaign platform based on the premise that he is a unicorn. God bless her little pure soul. The writers of Glee and Heather Morris (Brittany), brilliantly make us believe that in her cute, clueless, blond, little head, that's what she truly believes.
But Kurt is much smarter and gayer than that, and he struggles to find his "not gay" place in this race to define who he is. Struggling too, is our self imposed Glee club outcast, Quinn. As the newest member of "The Skanks", Qinn's purple haired, nose ringed rebel is quickly trying to leave her mark as head Skank fast. She has alienated her former Glee club friends and has decided that this is who she really is, even though everyone else sees her obvious cry for help. Of course, Sue Sylvester sees the opportunity in this for her political advancement in her quest to end the arts in public schools. Quinn becomes the subject of a Sue Sylvester "mockumentary" showcasing how Glee club has ruined her life and turned her into a Skank.
Mr Shue throws some cold water on Quinn and Sue's quest when Quinn goes into Shue's office and announces that he and Glee have ruined her life. With Sue filming, he totally calls Quinn out for her selfish behavior and lets her know she's not fooling anyone with this charade, and that she is alienating the only people who have been there for her through all her high school troubles. It was a poignant moment for Shue and Quinn, especially when he pointedly tells her to grow up.
And right when I think this Quinn story line couldn't go anywhere more, Shelby Corcoran, (Idena Menzel) Rachel's birth mother shows up to save the day. But does she? Seemingly all wise, reformed and maternal, Shelby has decided she's coming back to right some of the wrongs she has committed. Hired by Sugar Motta's, rich dad (the chick with Asberger's with the horrid voice), she has been brought in to McKinnley to start a rival show choir to the New Directions. Ok, so I'm not sure how this new show choir thing is going to play out, but Shelby's presence brings more story line drama with Rachel getting a mother who rejected her and Quinn and Puck's illegitimate child they gave up to her for adoption.
The music in this episode is weak at best, but my download pick of the week has got to be the Shelby and Rachel duet from West Side Story, "Somewhere There's A Place For Us." Reading through the obvious tension between a mother and a child she gave up for adoption, this rendition was powerful and moving. Especially when they held hands and sang in unison. Stay tuned for more Rachel/Shelby drama.
With the rest of the Glee club going through "Booty Camp" working on their dance moves, and Rachel focused on securing the lead in the McKinnley production of West Side Story, Finn curiously has become the boob of the Glee club. I'm not sure I'm buying this new blue collar, regular guy image they are trying to stuff down my throat because they just spent three seasons convincing me that he was the romantic lead. I don't like it. Obviously, Rachel and I are in agreement, because she tells Finn that she knows he could be more than the guy who changes tires at Burt's garage. Which brings me to Burt.
The writers and creator's of Glee couldn't have cast a better father for Kurt and somehow he always manages to say EXACTLY the right thing to his son, and steal the show. Kurt, confused by the fact that an overtly gay actor will have a hard time getting leading romantic roles, much less class presidencies, seeks Burt's advice. Burt tells Kurt to embrace his inner unicorn and forge the road ahead for unicorn's like him.
"You're gay and not like Rock Hudson gay," he tells Kurt.
Just when Kurt decides that the unicorn suits him just beautifully, his muse Brittany drops the bomb that she too is running for class president. Against him.
Oh the drama of a theatre Gleek's life and kudos for a much better episode this week.
Now just give me more music.
It's the Unicorn Song.
"There were green alligators
and long-necked geese
Humpidity-backed camels
and chimpanzees
There were cats, rats and elephants
but as sure as you're born
The lovliest of all is the unicorn"
Or something like that. Ugh.
I can't believe I know that.
ARGGHHHH !!! I Gleefully spoke too soon, lol !!
Ask me what a "UniHeff" is :)
Uh, don't ask Heff.
Man, Glee.
earlsie: I love that you know that song.:)
heff: you know you are a closet glee fan and you have me to thank for it! and oh yeah, I wanna know what uni-heff is.
Sybil-I love that you comment even thought you don't watch glee :) and ardent you curious what uni-heff means??
Candy - This a St. Patrick's Day favorite in Chicago.
If it weren't for you Candace I would never even know there was a show on TV by this name. But I have seen unicorns back in the old days when I did a lot of hallucinogenics.
Seems as if all of your Boston teams are in the Lions old den.
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