Monday, June 20, 2011

The Mother Of All Fathers

So this was Friday's intended post, but I had to leave my house at 5:30 AM which ruined all my best laid plans. So, the day after Father's Day, here is The Daily Dandy Father's Day Tribute to what I consider to be the Mother of all Dad's.

Dale Price from California, took saying good bye to his son on the school bus every morning quite seriously. When his 16 year old son, Rain's bus route changed for the school year, sending his bus right by his house, Dale came outside to wave good bye. On the second day, Rain's dad decided to don a San Diego Chargers helmet to wave good bye and on the third day he wore an Anakin Skywalker helmet.

It was then that Dale made the decision to dress up in costume every day, rain or shine, to wave goodbye to his son. In all, Dale wore 170 costumes, for every day of the school year, and employed the rule of never wearing the same costume twice. Rain's peers certainly never let him live it down and word of the costumed man spread fast. Relatives and neighbors started a blog to chronicle every day.

Dale describes the comittment as a "way of letting Rain know that we really care about him", but Rain's not interested in thanking his dad for his efforts. "I'm not going to reward him for this. His reward is seeing my embarrassment."


sybil law said...

I just read about this guy yesterday! Sooooo awesome!!

Heff said...

Hell, If I did that, I wouldn't have time to eat breakfast.

the walking man said...

Cool dad! Great attitude for a guy who lost a leg. The kid...what Joker said.

Scope said...

Wow. I think I would skip the bus, and just run to school. Maybe I could become a runner like Michael Landon's character in that movie where his mom/dad would hang his pee stained sheets out the window every day, and he had to run home to beat the bus and take them down before his friends saw. "The Loneliest Runner"

Man, that was a long aside.

Cora said...

My daughter would have LOVED that.... when she was FIVE. As a teenager she would be mortified.