Sometimes on Friday's, I like to visit that crazee web site to the "trailer trash stars", The People of Wal-Mart.
There are always so many reasons to say WHY? Here are a few of my faves:
This is wrong on so many levels...where do I start? And I'm NOT going to be the one to tell her.
Just say no to crack...
Somebody didn't get enough attention at home? C'mon, convince me she has no idea what's going on??
Fresh off her recent crowning of "Miss Double Wide Jet Airstream Fashion Risk Taker" award, Amber treats her people to a celebratory meal.
AND.....Naked is the new black...
well, it must be great to have the confidence to walk around like that and think that you're the cats pajamas. no?
Hot, hot, HAAAWWWTTT!!! ;-)
I don't get why so many of the shoulder straps are down . . . I mean, I realize that they lend precious little support to such well-endowed maidens as these, but still . . .
I'm eating salads all weekend.
Dammit, Candy! I'm trying to eat breakfast here!
Just EWW.
The lady in the last one has four tits. Two in the front and two in the back.
Does she live near a chemical dump site? Oh wait... probably yes.
Aren't cell phone cameras WONDERFUL ? People should win awards for their covert activities under the guise of shopping !
The black lady looks like everything is under about 250 pounds per square inch of pressure.
She's gonna blow!!!!
wish I'd seen this before lunch. Coulda saved me $7 and about 800 calories!
I was at WalMart last night and I've never seen so many over-stuffed capri pants and dead eyes in my life! Plus it seems to be a rule in there that if you have a few rolls of excess flesh on you, you MUST SHOW IT OFF in the clothing equivalent to Saran Wrap. It's WalMart law.
I barely got out of there alive.
This is why, if I must go to Wal-mart, I make sure my clothes are clean, well-fitting, coordinated and my hair is clean and not sticking out everywhere. I do NOT want to find myself on that page!
Looking at that page is like seeing a really bad car accident. You don't want to, but you can't help but look.
In that second picture that chick has a brand new tattoo across her shoulders
Is that grease on the black lady's back?
I'm hungry.
Veggie - But didn't it feel good to know that, without a shadow of a doubt, you were the finest looking woman in the whole damn store?
Your last bit o commentary was brilliant. Remind me not to stop by here while I eat my breakfast though yea. Especially when I have an omelet with cheese….
oh my... oh dear... umm... I'm speechless
Ahhhhhh - the much-loved whale tail.
What is the yellopw thing on the second woman?
When I see people dressed like these heifers, I just wanna go up to them, slap 'em and say, "REALLY? REALLY?"
If they wanna be heifers, that's fine. I don't care about that. But at least they should have a little self-respect for themselves.
I honestly think people who dress like this are a little mental. I have to believe that, otherwise there's no hope for the rest of us.
I had to come back again and look at these. Gaaawwd! Those people are broke, busted and dusted. Long live Walmart! (for our entertainment)
Doomed! I tell ya, we are Doomed!
These people need rear view mirrors. So many times people with more skin need less clothes...or so they think. Good grief.
I've checked that site out a couple times, and each time it ends with me having a bout of severe depression. Nasty!
The only thing worse than showing up in public dressed like that is to show up with a camera and stalk... Ok, I did laugh and do thank you for reminding me of another reason to avoid Walmart.
we don't have Walmart here in the UK... thank god!
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