Glee creator Ryan Murphy has announced that the shows stars, Lea Michelle, Corey Monteith and Chris Colfer will not be returning to Glee after next season. In a shocking announcement, Murphy explained that his decision is to keep the script realistic, and that means that Rachel (Michelle), Finn (Monteith) and Colfer (Kurt) will graduate at the end of season three which debuts this September.
But for Losers Like Me everywhere, who live for Glee, this news is devastating.
Murphy, credited with creating the phenomenon that is Glee, said, "We made that decision and I involved Chris and Lea and they thought that was a good idea. They both trust the writing and trust me and felt it would be great to have an open and closed experience for them to go out while they were on top." And if I'm any one of those actors, I'm thinking it's a good idea to put your agent into panic mode.
As for this season, Murphy has said that it will all make sense as the season unfolds and sets up the exit of the beloved characters. Murphy said he is not as concerned with goodbye's as he is with hello's. "I think that just like with the original cast, I think finding those young unknown people and giving them an opportunity to break into the business and become stars is a really fun and exciting thing and is the spirit of the series."
It would seem that the other cast members are safe for now. Mathew Morrison and Jane Lynch will continue in their roles as Will Schuester and Sue Sylvester as the shows anchors, and both Chord Overstreet and Darren Criss have been added as regulars. Also, the winner of the reality series, "The Glee Project" will be featured in a multi-episode story arch, who Murphy calls, "amazing". Murphy has also said this will give the show a chance to hear from other cast members who you don't hear too much about like Tina, Mike and Mercedes.
My prediction? Something tells me that for Lea Michelle, this is only the beginning. Murphy seems to be starting a campaign to bring "Funny Girl" back to Broadway for the girl he says has a "once in a generation voice". Could they know something that we don't?
For me, this announcement does not fill me with Glee. As a fan, I will watch and put my trust in the creators of the unlikely hit to knock me over as they did when the show debuted in 2009.
DAMN. At first, I was hoping for a complete cancellation.
heff just made me snortle...
I'm actually glad about this development. To me, there's nothing sadder than late 20's / early 30's actors playing teenagers, and I would hate to see this show ten years from now with the same actors pretending to be in high school. ("Welcome Back, Kotter" anyone?)
I was also getting a little bored with the focus on the same characters all the time. I am thinking some new actors will "shake things up" a bit and make it more interesting.
I hope they are able to find some new talent to rival the leaving stars.
And I just bet the ones who are leaving will find bigger and better roles - maybe there will be some new shows on tv that we can enjoy, or a movie or two....
Interesting word ver: "pitio"
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