Today's freaks are extra freaky, if you ask me.

OOOhhh baby, nothing like getting it on in full view of the Walmart public. Oh yeah, and his manly physique surely will make her envy of the neighborhood.

And is it me or is there something in the air? People seem to be getting a little somethin' somethin' everywhere. Hey, free lovin never hurt no one....

Unless of course the kiddies are looking, then they probably want to know why he's got his hands down her pants...

Sister has her cheeky issues, for sure, but my problem here is not her jiggly cheeks, but her HORRID shoes. The girl needs to buy a fashion magazine on her way out.
And I always save the best for last...
Look very closely, but don't stare too long it may hurt your eyes permanently. Is sister wearing pants? Stretch pants? Is she naked? I can't tell.
The world may never know the answer to that one.
Have a great weekend bloggers!
As always, thanks for making me giggle...
That last one is a true mystery. Yowza.
Last photo - does that guy's shirt say "Thunder In The Valley" ??
I'm QUITE SURE the man's an EXPERT in that field !
Candy...Candy...Candy! What did you do to me this morning?
The Eye Bleach isn't working...
Oh holy crap, the last one actually hurt!
copy and paste any picture into MS WORD and magnify it 500% GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she had no pants on and yes it does say thinder in the valley but it also didn't say specifically which valley!
To be honest the couple in the parking lot looked like two dudes.
Do people lose IQ points from shopping at Walmart? Is that what's going on? Holy sh!t.
As for the first chick, what is holding those hot pants up? And I'm sooooo trying not to wonder what that outfit looks like from the front. *gag*
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