Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Did We DO To Deserve This?

I'm in the "Buy Lots Of Booze" part of the map...


Deech said...

Somehow I get the impression that all those granola crunching environmentalists are laughing at us right now. Sort of, this is what we get for screwing up the environment.

sybil law said...

LOTS of booze, for sure.
Hang in there, Candy!!

Scope said...

But how can you buy booze if you are snowed in? Start making prison hootch?

The Dental Maven said...

So glad the DC area is managing to elude the storm paths. But even if it threatens snow, I'm sure to stock up on all the essential liquids! Stay warm, Girl!!

PorkStar said...

lol love that pic. I'm in the shit load part.

Cora said...

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Time to move to Hawaii, I say.