It was from Lydia at ...Obsessive Girl... and my love affair with blogging began. (Lyds has been absent from the sphere as of late, I miss her) I would go to Lydia's blog and comment, for we shared a common love for beauty products and reality tv. Then, one day, I got a comment from a guy named Dr. Zibbs. He commented on my post about my beloved Red Sox and their dramatic win in post-season play. I clicked on to Dr. Zibbs site and I entered into the world know as That Blue Yak. The post was about a blogger pillow fight he had arranged in his native West Chester, PA at some local motel, complete with video of scantily-clad women having a pillow fight on a hotel bed. I wasn't quite sure what to think and I was petrified to leave a comment, so I waited. Alas, my team was denied ANOTHER World Championship, but Zibsy's was not. When his team won the World series, I commented on his blog, giving him props on his team's big win and he reciprocated with a comment on my blog.
It was there, at Zibsy's blog, that I noticed a cast of characters who commented on his blog daily. And they were funny. Really funny. I clicked on their avitars and went over to their sites and laughed even harder. I guess you could say I lurked for a while, because I was afraid of what would happen if I commented uninvited. Since Zibbs welcomed my comments and because he frequently commented at the Daily Dandy, I stayed where I felt safe, at Zibsy's place. As each day went by, I got a little braver and decided to drop a comment in the bloggersphere, here and there. I then started to get comments on my blog, here and there. It made the whole process of blogging so much better, knowing someone was reading it. I was also having a great time reading blogs and learning and laughing right along with the bloggers.
I have connected with some great people doing this little blogging thing we do here everyday, and I've realized that bloggers are generally normal folks who are caring and willing to give you advice and share their experiences with each other. Almost all of the people on my followers button, I have picked up from someone else's fabulous blog, who read my comment on someones blog or I read their comment on someones blog, or read about them on someones blog or, GOOD LORD, you know what I'm saying! The nature of the thing is quite incestuous to say the least. My blogger buddy Scope does an occasional post called The Six Degrees of Scope-eration, where he links himself to other bloggers, quite brilliantly. He was onto this six degree thing long before it was chic.
To call Zibsy the Kevin Bacon of the bloggersphere is an understatement, because more than a few of us have connected through his blog. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're out there and you're lurking, don't be afraid. Click on the comment button and leave me a comment. I welcome you to my Daily Dandy world. Click on any of the commenters or followers here and see how great their blogs are. Then, click on the That Blue Yak and leave a comment.
Your blogging life will never be the same, I assure you. It's like blogger magic.
I had a similar experience when I started blogging with Avitable. Now it seems that just about blog I read is connected to his in some degree of separation.
Funny, I was just thinking about doing another 6° of Scope-aration over the weekend. Before I forget how to make the "°" thing!
You know I adore you blog, adore you, and you even inspired today's post. As my first commentor (you took my virginity!), you, Candy will always have a special and secure place in my blogging heart.
Zibbs is pretty cool... I've got bloggers that kinda gave me a kick in the pants as well and I started off just 'bout like you Candy. I just did it 'cause I liked the writing. Actually... that's why I still do it, just not as much time to get it done these days and not NEAR enough time to read all of the blogs of my friends that keep me going.
The pillow fight post.
By the end of it, we were fighting in merlot.
At the Philadelphia Marriott.
There was eventually a video.
Good times, good times.
That Zibb's. He sure has hooked-up a lot of us. Thanks Z!
I was never invited to the pillow fight but I did get to watch it all unfold!
Nice touch on the title!!!
Six Degrees Of Zibbs-eration
Have a super weekend!
- Jennifer
Yeah, Candy, I'm exactly the same! I started blogging back in August with not a single reader at all. Then 80's Mom found me (she was my first commenter and I will love her forever) and then Raf and Morgan, and I started finding people through them.
I found Zibbs at Tova's and went to his blog because his comments always cracked me up. Through Zibbs I found Poobomber, and through Poo I found you, ~E, Sassy Britches and The Veggie Assassin. Scope found me through Zibbs, then I found Sass and Gwen through him. Yada yada yada.
And, seriously, I had NO IDEA when I started the blog that it would ever lead to all of this!! I was just doing something to make myself laugh, dorky love letters. But it has turned into friendships ~ and it has turned into love. Pretty damn amazing, isn't it? :-)
*okay, now I just saw Scope's comment - you took his virginity!! Hee hee hee!! Too funny. I guess 80's Mom took mine then. I didn't realize I swung that way. *wink**
Careful, Zibbs' head is big enough as it is! Like you, I find the blogging "web" of connections fascinating. By the way, sorry I haven't left a comment in a while.
OK Candy, maybe it's because I've had a really bad week but I actually teared up a bit reading this and the comments.
Although I'm always puzzled when people say that they're nervous about leaving a comment or that I'm intimidating because I can't remember ever making fun of a blogger unless it's in a good natured way.
Also, I've been meaning to write a post similar to this wishing that somebody would start one of those big charts similar to how you see rock bands and their connections to each other.
And lastly, to give credit to the people that commented on my blogs early, Gwen, Falwless, Some Guy and a few others that sadly don't really blog anymore.
If you look back at my early posts, nobody was commenting. The key has always been to comment on other blogs as well as mention other bloggers.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to go wipe the tears off of my cape.
Hell, from the first moment I started blogging in Mid-2004, I've been proudly polluting people's comment sections ever since, lol !
im always amazed when someone new comments, then i go to their site and try to follow the trail to see how they found me..
I like it when bloggers blog about blogging. I've blogged quite a bit about blogging. Some days I love it, some days I want to thumb my nose at the whole thing, some days I want to go private and talk about things I don't feel comfortable talking about publicly (I guess I could always start a 2nd blog for that). Above all, for me, it's just a creative outlet that I need and for the most part, enjoy. : )
Ran over and checked out Zibbs. Very funny!
Sounds like Heff and I. We've been together for a good 4 years now (oh yesth!). He and Donna flew up to Chicago from Birmingham to meet me for the first time and then my wife and I drove down to Alabama last September to visit the Bar & Grill. There's got to be a movie in here somewhere. "Their love was forbidden..."
..just came back to see if anyome trashed me.
Glad i'm not the only one who always feel like a newbie on the blog. I found TBY via someone i chat with on icq, he's a big fan of Dr. Zibbs and he got me hooked! And may i add that Zibbs is the very first commenter on my little blog, i'm shuffed!
It's amazing how the connections are made. My blog experience is quite similar. I found SULDOG, who is great, and from there just kept doing the "Six Degrees of Separation" thing. As BE Earl said, I also found Avitable and there are more commonalities. And now that I've stumbled here, I hope to connect with your crowd too!
How fun...
Damn, we started blogging around the same time, and somehow found the same people. It's all so tangled that I don't remember exactly who I found first, but I think it might have been Whiskey Marie and Falwless. I was literally terrified to start leaving comments on other people's blogs. I thought they were way beyond me - and I still do! But I enjoy and appreciate every minute of it since then!
I think comments are like blogger crack... I try to tell myself they're not why I blog, but... they pretty much are.
I started reading blogs after doing a Google search and I somehow found the Snickolett blog. I stayed with Snickolett for a long time - although I had no connection at all with her blog theme. But somewhere, from her blog, I branched out and started reading other blogs. And then I commented. And someone asked where my blog was. And finally, I started my own blog. Amazing!
Hi...I just clicked over from Zibb's place and thought it would be appropriate to be your (drumroll please) 100th follower. Fun isn't it?
I've found a lot (okay most) of the blogs I read through the good doctor. It's true! He has just about the best commenters of any blog!
The Dr. is a uniter. A humorous Nelson Mandella
I am not afraid, Candy!
I loved this post - and love Zibbs too. I'm going to click on the Scope's link and visit his place at your recommendation!
I am just the opposite, First I blogged for everyone, now I blog for me. I'm happy with it!
I just don't get the point of the 'word verification'--just seems like a waste of time!
Obviously Dr. Zibbs is a witch doctor. He put a spell on us all.
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang.
Gotta love that crazy doc!
I just linked to you in a post. Thanks again for this mention.
Just came of here from Dr Zibb's site. As I said over there half the fun of blogging is commenting. Although, like you it took me a little while to figure that out. Lovely post.
Add me to the blogging/ linking thing!
I loved the Kevin Bacon reference! :D
I love that Dr Blue Yak guy too.
Gotcha! It's just me. Dr Zibbs. Checking in to see if anyone mentioned me.
I've "met" quite a few peeps through Zibbs. I've even met (really met!) the man himself.
What a treat :)
Dr Z is great!
See now I found you!! Come check me out too!!!
Dr. Zibbs left a comment on my blog. I have no idea how he found me (and I so wish he had read one of my, um, funny posts instead of the one he chose...) I went to see who he was. I found you.
I think most people start out that way. I've been blogging for a year and just figured out the comments thing 2 months ago. (And I'm the "smart one" in my family.)
I'll be back to read more.
thats probably true, I think I read your comment once on Zibbs..
Many of my bloggers I met thru now defunct blogs though.
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