You know we've all had "one of those days" when everything goes from bad to worse. Yesterday was a prime example of one of those days. While I was driving my daughter to and from and all over God's creation, trying to get the kids to their closely scheduled activities on time, I uncharacteristically began complaining about how much my life sucked. Fear not, my little cherub seemed to say, for she had just the answer for her over-stressed mom.
"You need to go to F My Life.com," she said.
"What did you just say?" I responded, in no mood for sass or games.
"It means F-my life. It's a website where people share their stories about how 'f-ed' up their lives are. Some of them are hilarious and really make you feel so much better about your own life," she explained.
I paused for a moment to ponder the reality of my 14 yr old recommending to me, quite matter-of-factly, a website with one of The Seven Dirty Words represented by it's letter in the title. Of course the blogger in me saw this as a great research opportunity and I listened intently as she extolled the virtues of the airing personal rants with the world. I weighed my options; mother teaching opportunity vs. blog fodder. Guess which won?
Then I visited the site www.fmylife.com.
It's not like I don't waste enough time on the internets and this site was no different.
Some examples I encountered that cracked me up while there included:
Today, I was volunteering at a school. There's this really bratty boy there and he was being rude, so I joked, "How are you ever gonna get a girlfriend when you're so mean?" He responds, "I think the better question is how are you ever gonna get a boyfriend when you're so ugly." He's 7. FML
#858893 (26) - 04/07/2009 at 7:34pm by ugly
#858893 (26) - 04/07/2009 at 7:34pm by ugly
Today, my girlfriend and I were outside tanning in the sun. I asked her if she could put some sunscreen on my back. Thinking it would be funny, she used the lotion to write "I Love Little Boys". I work as a children's swimming instructor. FML
#864226 (25) - 04/08/2009 at 12:03am by Anonymous
#864226 (25) - 04/08/2009 at 12:03am by Anonymous
Today, I came home and saw on our fridge, "Please don't drink anymore, I really worry about your health" written by my 7-year-old daughter. I figured she wouldn't ever find out, so I opened the fridge. But I found another note on a can that said "So you're going to drink anyway?" FML
#503348 (302) - 03/21/2009 at 12:46am by Anonymous -
#503348 (302) - 03/21/2009 at 12:46am by Anonymous -
Today, I ran over a squirrel. I saw it twitching so I backed over it to end its suffering. It wasn't a squirrel it was a kitten. The children it belonged to watched as I ran over their kitten. TWICE. FML
#859604 (81) - 04/07/2009 at 8:11pm by Anonymous
#859604 (81) - 04/07/2009 at 8:11pm by Anonymous
Needless to say you need to check this out for yourself and if you are a regular user of FML, let me know if it succeeds in bringing you the satisfaction of laughing at yourself when it's just about all that's left to do. I have to admit to spending more time on the site than I expected, as I could completely relate to having more than a few," f my life moments" myself.
Nooooooooooo, not the kitten story!!!!
Oh, man! A couple of those made me cringe.
Sounds like a Jerry Springer or Maury Povich show done in words... and that seems like an oxymoron.
I'm sorry, reading about people's tasteless screw-ups creeps me out - sort of like finding another circle in Dante's Hell or Twittering from the Twilight Zone.
I'm going to PASS, in fear that my posts would be WORSE than others, lol !
I'm convinced that there are people whose lives suck so bad that they actually make up stories on sites like that. But I'm jaded.
The dude who ran over the kitten should have just picked it up and eaten it. Christ almighty. His black heart has black heart has already been served up to Satan.
And I'm not talking about that guy who plays hockey for the Sabers.
Oh, too funny! Although the kitten one about killed me. *sniffle*
My life seems better already!
Yeah, the kitten story took the prize here.
Those are awful.
Awfully funny.
Now, all I have to do is come up with one of my own. Who cares if it's real. I just have to work on some real good bullshit.
welcome to my slow work days! i LOVE fmylife!
I can't imagine the kitten story actually happening but the little boy in the first one...well...I think I would have given him the What for! As if a kid with a moth like that would care!
This is disturbing, but worth checking out. Thanks!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by MY blog!
How funny!! I can't wait to go home and get on that site!
Thanks for the link. Those are extremely funny.I like how they keep them short and to the point. Reading those is like a dose of grattitude that it happened to them and not you.
Wow. A site started by the French no less!
I guess it may serve to make us feel more normal???
Yuck. That's all I can say. ;)
Wow, I'm never going to have to post on my own blog, again. Thanks!
I will have to come back to this - it needs all of my attention and I will use it for a morning laugh I think!
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