Apparently, at the 18th hole at the Buick Open Golf tournament this weekend, SOMEBODY farted loud enough for the CBS broadcast to pick up the offending sound bite. If that wasn't bad enough for the CBS brass, Tiger and his caddy Steve Williams immediately began laughing like a couple of seventh graders which made the situation all the worse.
TMZ.com is reporting that CBS is claiming that the offending rip did NOT come from the King of the Links, Tiger Woods himself, but from some other offender. Some speculate it was a "fart app" from an iphone. Whatever or whomever it was this was no doubt,"the blast heard round the world" or the "big bang theory" times twenty.
The blog site bodoglife.com claims "tiger woods fart" to be the hottest search on the internet and why not? People love to hear that the untouchable golf/sports icon, Woods may be human after all. Bodoglife.com also claims, that after some research, something stinks in this Tiger FartGate.
From bodoglife.com
"Apparently, Tiger has farted at other golf tournaments. The Inquisitor did some digging and found that Woods had let one rip before. They report, "Strangely this isn’t the first time Woods has sealed an event with a fart, having also farted when he won the Arnold Palmer invitational in March."
You can check out the video here, if you're interested, but you'd better do it quick because the PGA is claiming copywright to it and videos of FartGate have been disappearing all over the internets.
What can I say? I guess I will always be 12 years-old at heart. I hope I never change. Life would be too boring otherwise.
That is outstanding!
I don't understand why farting is so taboo. How often do you hear the word fart on television and in movies? Not often. It's quite rare. But everybody does it.
I do it. I try to hide it as best I can, especially when I know it's going to be a stinker. And if it stinks, so what! We all do it. I long to live in a world where farting isn't taboo, but accepted as a cough or a sneeze. You do it, say "excuse me" and get on with your life.
There is nothing wrong with releasing a wee bit of laughing gas when you're in the open.
Obviously ladies never parp of course.
I heard it this morning on the radio. It sounded pretty fake. Well, at least the last part of it. If it hadn't had that sort of wet slapping sound at the tail end, I'd probably believe it was a real tooter.
I am right there with you Candy, I love fart jokes, and farting for that matter!
Tiger just needs to own it. If I were that rich, I'd fart everywhere and no one would do a damn thing about it. :)
Kudos to you for your Journalistic Integrity! I wouldn't have known about this event otherwise.
On PTI at ESPN, they referred to it as a fan "stepping on a duck". I'd never heard that euphemism and had no idea it meant a fart.
Thanks for putting this in plain English!
Some things are timeless.
I agree with Mjenks. As much as I want to believe it was real, it sounded fake to me. Trust me. I can smell a fake fart a mile away.
Even so, it's pretty damn funny!
Me too, Candy. I can't think of anything else that can reliable reduce me to floor-rolling-laughter than a fart or fart joke.
What a great Nike logo that would be. "Tiger Woods wants you to pull his finger. Go on, just do it!"
Golf etiquette should dictate that golfers must "fart in the cart".
Hahahahahhaa, love it.
I love pretty much anything that will make 12 year olds laugh except for like, men getting hit in the crotch. That's just played out.
Beckeye- he probably farts gold dust.
Gas humor is simply pure funny. I giggled until I cried reading this!
Well, if that was a real fart, it was quite a winner. But I'm betting it was a fake fart, or a 'pseudo toot-o' for all y'all in the ritzy crowd.
Ok. For real - I will always laugh at fart stories. ALWAYS. I have 4 brothers and by far was the best farter of the bunch.
Thanks for the laugh!
Oh you ARE easily amused!
John tells me he loves me, farts and all! hahahaha
The best part of it all is the announcer setting it up.
Wil Harrison.com
Someday, he'll "shart" and then he won't find it so funny, with a load of trouser chili to deal with.
Actually, I think FART is one of the funniest words in the English language. That, and strap-on (which is actually a compound, but it still counts).
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