I love me some Scarlett O'Hara.
She's such a bitch, it's hard to find another that comes close to her perfection. Scarlett is the woman every woman wants to be in some way, but doesn't have the balls to be. While I realize that Scarlett O'Hara is a fictional character, Vivien Leigh's indelible portrayal of her in the movie, will forever render Scarlett a woman of flesh and substance. And supreme bitch-itutde.
Selfish, gorgeous, cunning and strong, Miss Scarlett reigns supreme. Just look at her. I gain strength from the legend that is Scarlett O'Hara. Adored by the men who love her, repulsed by their faults and insecurities, she had room in her ice-cold heart for only herself and for the life she begrudgingly watched slip away, a casualty of the war and the politics she had no control over. She dug in her heels and stayed true to the only thing that protected her. Her strength.
I often ask myself, "What Would Scarlett Do?", but I know the answer before I even ask the question. Miss Scarlett knew she had power. Her beauty and self centered courage gave her an aura of indestructible. If Rhett didn't give a damn, you can bet Scarlett didn't either, and at the end of the epic film you knew Miss Scarlett would get her man back. She was just the man for the job. Only a cold-hearted snake like she would rise from the Phoenix's ashes.
She wasted a near lifetime yearning for the love of a man who represented something she despised, weakness. She befriended his long suffering wife who was the complete opposite of what Scarlett stood for, yet she remained loyal to Melanie against her true desires , somehow knowing that she made her a better woman. Melanie gave her credibility, in world that valued honor and pomp, something Scarlett knew nor cared anything about. Scarlett was only interested in her own self advancement.
Then along came her nemesis, the one person who understood her and gave her even more power. Rhett Butler was the one man who could give Scarlett the world, wrapped up in a pretty hat-box, and she took everything he offered hungrily, without thinking of consequences. And somewhere along the way she realized that there was no other for her. By then it was too late. Fiddle dee dee, you think that bothered Miss Scarlett?? Think again. If fiction can be true than you can bet that the sublime creature that is Scarlett O'Hara got her man back. There is power in passion and beauty, a blacker than black truth.
"If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again," she said outside the destroyed land of her beloved Tara.
Nor will I Miss Scarlett, nor will I.
Holy impowerment! You go gurl?
Wil Harrison.com
Miss Scarlett! Miss Scarlett! I gave you an award at my place while you were out of town. (Remember that great vacation?)
Then school started here in the Midwest and I got a bit sidetracked. Or maybe it's ADD.
But tomorrow is another day...
So enjoy your Superior Scribbler Award and have a great day!
http://www.WeeklyJules.com (scroll down to August 9th)
Ah, "it wasn't the airplanes that killed the beast, it was Beauty."
Never have watched Gone With The Wind. So, what's it about?
that was an EXCELLENT assesment of GWtW! loved it!
I just hope you dress with a little more hip fashion sense, LMAO !
I like what you've taken from her. The movie was okay but the book is awful. I forced myself to read it because of where I live, but I hated it.
THAT, is my all time fa-vo-rite book!
(Candy, what the hell is going on here? My word verification was "schit." What's up with that? Way to make the commenters welcome!)
I love that book/movie. Reading this post reminds me that I should watch it again. Miss you Candy!
Frankly, my dear Candy, . . . nah, too easy.
Well done.
This makes me want to watch Gone With the Wind :)
Um, I've been out of town. Did we re-enact slavery? I thought that was just on Fox news.
(let's go get some drapes and make some dresses!)
Awesome blog, I too love Scarlet O'Hara!
She represents all that it horrid in human nature, and society today. She IS a loveable character but you don't get her redemptive qualities at all. You see her as selfish, materialistic, defiantly self-centred, shallow, cruel and cold-hearted. While those qualities make great characters in film/fiction, they are not to be aspired to in real life.
@sketty, i couldn't agree more! gone with the wind is one of my all-time favorite movies but scarlett is a selfish, cold-hearted b*tch! (vivian leigh did a phenominal job portraying her) she reminds me alot of "ginger" from casino. they both had wonderful husbands that gave them the world and yet it wasn't enough.
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