Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Kill 'Em

So, my sister sent me this and it made me chuckle... It's title was:

"Men Who Lack Female Supervision"

Of course, I started to think; what would the world be like if there were no women to make sure things go smoothly? These photos serve to show what boys will do if left to their own devices.

In this case, you might say that beauty is most definitely in the eye of the beholder. "Honey, my parents are coming to dinner on Sunday."

Who knew Santa stalked and killed Rudolf and Vixen and the boys? He just removes them from the wall every year.

I cannot tell a lie. I love the ingenuity here, Plus, it's very green. Recycle, reuse, redo.

I have no words for this one.....

Ummmm, I think there is an easier way.

Hilarious, but I can't help but wonder if after a few brews how many of them got used.

I must say, it gets the job done. "I think I'll pass on dessert."

Redneck waterskiing.

Redneck relaxation. "Hey Paw, the neighbors been complainin' again."


  1. Hmmmmmmmmm. The photos give me some seriously fund idea.

  2. This is the first time I've ever seen a peeing Santa roof ornament. (shaking her head)

  3. Yup, the Tree decor is fabulous! And it screams XY, dudn't it??

  4. I see nothing wrong with any of those photos. All look normal to me. Where's the joke?

  5. Your people just don't understand our people. :-)


  6. I personally find NOTHING wrong with these photos....

  7. I want to see the "after" shot with the guy trying to mix something with his drill!

  8. okay, the drill mixer is genius, I MUST say! And the toilettes remind me of a house I saw in upstate NY that has a small bush planted in a toilette that sits in the front yard.

    I guess there really is no accounting for taste.

  9. same as wigsf3, what? All looks pretty normal to me except i ow the first was faked because no man builds his bike in the living room. That's why we have a dining room.

  10. Someday, somehow, I WILL do the peeing Santa.

    So help me GOD!
